Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Cyprus Problem is "fixed" - Facebook Posting


(Unnamed source)

It is 4:30 in the morning and what I heard tonight at a dinner from the mouth of a European diplomat from an EU country and friend of Cyprus hasn't allowed me to get a wink of sleep. I have reasons to believe what I heard, mainly because the person under reference is trustworthy. Unfortunately, for well understood reasons, I can reveal neither his name nor the country he represents. What is important, however, is what was said.

According to the above mentioned source, Cyprus had already been sold, and the new leadership under Nicos Anastassiades and DIKO-DISY have accepted a solution to the Cyprus issue!

The key facts and the secrecy behind the scene are:

1- The Anglo-Americans and Israel knew since 1968 about the existence of the hydrocarbons in the area of the Eastern Mediterranean but due to the unsettled situation in the region they refrained from trying to exploit them.

2- Hydrocarbons in vast quantities exist also off the coast of Pomos-Pyrgos, in the Cretan and Libyan Sea, as well as in the area of Kastellorizo and the Southern Aegean Sea!

3- The Americans and the Jewish lobby in the US, in secret meetings with the Cypriot Foreign Minister at the time, Nicos Rolandis, the Foreign Ministers of Greece Theodoros Pangalos and George Papandreou , advised the Grecian and Cypriot sides to endeavour a joint exploitation with Turkey, which however turned down the proposition by trying to impose conditions which were not accepted.

4- During the governments of Costas Karamanlis and Tassos Papadopoullos the American ambasssadors in Athens and in Nicosia brought again to the surface the subject, but this time with the Turkish terms incorporated in it, which Karamanlis rejected whereas Papadopoullos did not reply. Instead the Cypriot President began secret negotiations first with Israel and then with Egypt, which countries with the encouragement of the US accepted the ratification of an agreement for the delineation of the EEZ .

5- The refusal by Tassos Papadopoullos to accept The Annan Plan infuriated the Americans to the degree that they did not trust him any longer that he would use the agreement on the EEZ in accordance with their plans, and they therefore shelved its final ratification.

6- With the election of Christofias they thought that his ardent desire for a solution would force him to accept their views regarding the exploitation of the EEZ, and for this reason they bound themselves to support a bi-zonal federation and to exert pressures on Turkey. İn order for these plans to materialise they encouraged and dictated to Nobel Energy and Israel to form an alliance pact with Cyprus, so that the process of exploitation and the application of their plans would commence.

7- The Christofias government apparently realised to some degree the whole plan and with the encouragement of Israel and in particular of the Foreign Minister Lieberman, who did not have a good opinion on the participation of the Americans in the exploitation of the EEZ, began to approach other energy giants and especially those of Russia, China, France, Italy and others!

8- At this point Turkey reacts, seeing that matters are moving away from her control, and starts acting contrary to the American plans. At this point Erdogan brings on the scene George Soros, who, during their meeting at Davos in 2009, advised him to enter into a pact with Greece, Israel and Cyprus, in order to enable him to enter the hydrocarbon game, even if that meant serious concessions on the Cyprus issue. George Soros began to apply the following plan in accordance with the wish and order of Erdogan. He arranged secret meetings between Erdogan with Papandreou and Merkel, who agree with Soros's ideas, and later on, during a secret meeting of the three they invite Anastassiades (Christofias was unsuitable because he had already gone along on the side of Lieberman).

9- At this meeting the following decisions were made.

a) Germany must retain Greece alive by any means, by helping financially, while Turkey was bound to help along if need be.
b) Given the negative stance that was expected from Christofias and also given the need for Anastassiades's election.-  to endeavour by any means to undermine the stability of Cyprus and Christofias so that Anastassiades's win would become possible by offering him every help, financial and political.

10- George Soros undertook the financial undermining of Cyprus to the degree that its financial survival would appear impossible, by negatively influencing Assessor Organisations, and discouraging any investment in Cyprus.

11- Anastassiades would undertake to intensify his opposition to Christofias, to nullify any attempt made to reinforce the economy and to create such a psychology among the people that would render them willing to accept the forthcoming arrangement.

12- In December 2012 a new meeting took place between Soros, Erdogan, Merkel and Samaras, this time in Berlin, where the following final plan was decided:

a) Election of Anastassiades by any means. Bringing about a programmed collapse of the economy in Cyprus and enforcement of strict austerity measures which would prepare the people to morally succumb without forceful reactions.

b) Signing of a choking memorandum before any LIMITED financial help is afforded to Cyprus. Total obscurity and confusion relating to the actual economic data, and the magnification of  the deficit to levels causing fright and insecurity.

c) Commencement of talks for a quick closing of the Cyprus issue, which would provide for an indirect suzerainty of Turkey and Greece. A limited rearrangement and compensations relating to the property issue, acceptance of a Bizonal Bicommunal Federation with a weak Central Government and sovereignty that would stem from the EU. Departure of the Greek and Turkish troops, disarming and disbanding of the National Guard and assumption of responsibility for security by a European force which would comprise Turkish, Greek and Union troops.

d) After the signing of the solution agreement and the acceptance of Turkey in the EU-fold at the same time, the three countries, Greece, the Federal Cyprus, and Turkey, would sign an agreement of Friendship and Cooperation in the exploitation of the natural and mineral wealth in the areas under their jurisdiction, in a manner and participation that will be defined in the agreement according to the following sharing, Turkey 40%, Greece 30%, Cyprus 20%, EU 10% (for covering the expenses for security and guaranteeing the solution).

e) With the ratification of these agreements Turkey will undertake, as a gesture of good will, to pay 50% of the memorandum debt, and the other 50% will be defrayed by the EU as a gesture of solidarity to the newly formed state.

f) The three allied countries - Turkey, Cyprus, and Greece -  and the European Union will commonly finance the construction of the pipeline which will help in the transport of oil and hydrocarbons from all points of extraction, through Turkey to Europe. Israel will be invited to actively participate in this project.

This is what is happening behind the people!

Sell out, sharing of its wealth, treachery of megatonnes.

I leave the rest to your judgement!

I am sure that the following day will confirm all the above, but if such an arrangement serves the interests and the future of the people it will soon be evident.


"Turkey's hydrocarbon threats against Cyprus - grounds for recourse to UN Security Council" 



"Debating Turkey's threats to Cyprus over gas & oil - European Parliament! 



See also the previous posting to this weblog:

"KTOS Turkish Cypriot Teachers Union leader Şener Elcil briefs the British about opposition to Turkey's Cyprus policies" - 23/02/2013

Wikipedia: "2012–2013 Cypriot financial crisis"

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

International media and the Cyprus Financial Crisis

The quotation below is translated into English from a posting to his Facebook profile by leading Cypriot journalist Costas Yennaris, highlighting the extent to which the international media coverage of the Cyprus Financial Crisis for the last 2 weeks fails to understand the ACTUAL motives behind the "Troika" victimisation of our tiny island and its economy.

"Speaking with foreign journalists I have come to understand that they DO NOT  understand the reasons for our [Cypriot] reactions to the 'Troika' and to Germany.
"They interpret everything from an exclusively economic perspective and they do not understand the other factors which we refer to and which are important to us.
"What does this mean?
 "It means that we keep feeling sorry for ourselves and we do not concern ourselves with creating conditions which could lead to active support so that we could emerge from the bottleneck. We are busy seeking the pity of the foreigners rather than seeking their solidarity based on a common understanding of what Germany is imposing on the EU. 
"It means that even today we do not realise that we must organise and plan our struggle much more seriously and convincingly, starting from an effective communication strategy aimed at achieving specific strategic aims. This is what we should be talking about MORE than ANYTHING  else."

 The original posting:
"Mιλώντας με ξένους δημσοιογράφους διαπιστώνω ότι ΔΕΝ ααντιλαμβάνονται πλήρως τους λόγους της αντίδρασης μας στην τρόικα και στη Γερμανία. Ερμηνεύουν τα πάντα αποκλειστικά με οικονομικές αναφορές και δεν αντιλαμβάνονται τις άλλες παραμέτρους που επικαλούμαστε και στις οποίες αποδίδουμε σημασία.
"Αυτό, τι σημαίνει;"
"Σημαίνει πως περιοριζόμαστε στο να κλαψουρίζουμε και να κλαίμε την μοίρα μας και δεν ασχολούμαστε με την δημιουργία συνθηκών και προϋποθέσεων που θα οδηγήσουν σε εμπρακτη συμπαράσταση για να βγούμε από τη στενωπό. Σημαίνει ότι επιδιώκουμε περισσότερο τον οίκτο των ξένων παρά ρην αλληλεγγύη τους που να στηρίζεται σε κοινή αντίληψη της πορείας που επιβάλλει στην ΕΕ η Γερμανία. 
"Σημαίνει ότι ακόμα και σήμερα δεν έχουμε αντιληφθεί ότι καλά είναι όλα αυτά, αλλά θα πρέπει να οργανώσουμε και να σχεδιάσουμε τον αγώνα μας πολύ πιο σοβαρά και πειστικά, ξεκινώντας από μια σωστή επικοινωνιακή πολιτική που να υπηρετεί συγκεκριμένους στρατηγικούς στόχους. Αυτά πρέπει να κουβεντιάζουμε ΠΑΝΩ ΑπΟ ΟΛΑ." 

Some of the points which SHOULD be understood are actually contained in 2 recent articles written by non-Cypriot dignitaries who have been kind enough to explain what is actually happening, published in the Cyprus Mail newspaper:

"The problem is not Cyprus, it’s the euro"
03.04.2013 Written by Lars Seir Christenser as co-founder & CEO of Saxo Bank A/S


"It is astonishing that a €10 billion bailout can keep the world spellbound for so long. But then again, while the amount is not staggering, some of the implications are mind-blowing.
"That a small economy can be destroyed over a weekend is in itself very scary. But Cyprus's fate was basically sealed when the troika revealed its first version of the bailout package. That the final outcome turned out to become even worse should not surprise anyone following the Euro zone's past efforts at saving its project."

"In defence of Cyprus"
02.04.2013 Written by Miguel Angel Moratinos, the former Spanish minister of foreign affairs.

"I will not try to analyse this mess organised by the European heads which aims to 'rescue' Cyprus, for that deserves a specific article on its own. What I am pursuing is the underlying reasons which have led to this growing and negative attitude of Europeans towards Greek Cypriots."
"Cyprus was a model country and swiftly reached the social, institutional, economic, financial and security requirements which Europe demanded [in becoming a member of the EU]. The nowadays-demeaned Cypriot banking system was, only five years ago, a European and international reference point. Not only the Greek banks but many other financial entities, including British and German, knew and took advantage of the Cypriot platform. 
"I am scandalised by hearing now how these same banks despise the Cypriot ones because of the deposits of Russian companies and citizens. One should ask whether the arrival of capital from Russia - denounced in Cyprus - didn’t happen in Germany and the United Kingdom too. 
"When those voices critical against Cyprus speak out, European public opinion has to be reminded that this country, with fewer than one million inhabitants, has got a GDP per capita of €21,500, the 31st position in the Human Development Index ... and hydrocarbons which could make up the third greatest reserve in the world. 
"The Ecofin ministers have ignored the national and international realities, as well as geopolitical and strategic views on Cyprus. They have not pondered the Russian Federation influence, a key country in the UN Security Council, when discussing the Cypriot issue. 
[my own note: without whose Russian support in the UN Security Council the Republic of Cyprus would probably not have survived the machinations of the Kofi Annan Plan of 2002 - 2004, nor the Verheugen tirades against Cyprus within the EU].  
"Cyprus has got great potential and not only in tourism. Its hydrocarbon deposits have probably caused a bigger unbalance in the mechanisms of power relations and influence inside and outside the EU. The question to be suggested today is whether the Cypriot deposits will be European, Russian, Turkish, Lebanese or Israeli, but that is a different discussion to be faced by European politics.
"The geopolitical focus will be despised and the pseudo technocratic one adopted. 
 "Meanwhile, Greek Cypriot society will undergo disproportionate and unfair suffering. And because of all that, all my solidarity and support goes out to Cyprus."

Extract from a Russia Today interview 01.04.2013 with former Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schussel (appears not to have been uploaded to RT on YouTube)

The Economist:  "Bailing out Cyprus was always going to be tricky. But it didn’t have to be like this - Mar 23rd 2013

"The euro was supposed to be the manifestation of a grand political project. It feels more like a loveless marriage, in which the cost of breaking up is the only thing keeping the partners together."